PSA: Stop Judging Your Competitors

Most everyone keeps an eye on their direct competitors, and I think you should. When you watch your competitors you can keep a pulse on trends in your industry and be motivated to stay on your game. But what happens when keeping an eye on your competitors turns into an obsession? What happens when you start watching everything your competitor does and it even starts making you upset?

I remember when I started my proposal planning company 11 years ago. I had a client instruct me to wrap boxes in Tiffany blue colored paper and to stack those presents next to a table for 2 for his proposal. I did exactly what was asked of me. But to my surprise, when I posted photos of the proposal later, one of my competitors accused me of copying their idea! The thing is, I hadn’t copied their idea, I was taking the direction of my client.

And that is what leads me to the topic of this blog. I urge you, not to judge your competitors and here’s why:

You Don’t Have The Whole Picture

When you see a photo of your competitors work, you may think, “they copied me,” “that is ugly,” or some other negative thought. But the reality is, you don’t know what the client asked for. You don’t if the client came to that planner with an existing vision and the planner was merely executing the vision. You don’t know if the client had a specific budget and the planner had to substitute things to accommodate. You simply don’t know any parameters that the event planner was working under.

You Don’t Know What Information They Had

With Wedding Planners, they are allowed to work with the bride AND groom to create their vision. A Proposal Planner has a serious challenge in that we are ONLY allowed to work with the Proposer yet our goal is to satisfy the Proposee. It may be easy to look at a proposal and think it was missing or lacking something, but sometimes the clients do not provide correct or ample information and the event planner doesn’t have much to go on. We have to assume that the information they provided about their partner is thorough and accurate.

We All Start Somewhere

Proposal Planning is a relatively new niche that is expanding and growing by the day. New Proposal Planners are entering the industry on a daily basis and they aren’t going to be the Dave Tutera of Proposals coming out of the gate. We all start somewhere and you may see a proposal and think “meh” but remember, the newbies are learning and fine tuning their craft too. We should be supportive and remember, we all started somewhere.

It Is Negative Energy

Hating on someone else is a non-productive habit. We should be lifting each other up and not tearing each other down. So keep these things in mind next time you think about your competitors. And hopefully they will do the same!

Proposal Planning is an amazing niche in the Wedding Industry and completely changed my life. Do you wonder if Proposal Planning might be right for you? Looking for a Proposal Planning school? Download my FREE resources below to learn more.

How To Handle Competition In Your Business

how to handle competition

This week I am focusing on competition, and more specifically, how to choose community over competition. When I first started The Heart Bandits a decade ago, there was hardly anyone doing it. After we started getting a lot of media attention, other Proposal Planners started popping up all over and I used to get so nervous. I would get so scared that they would take all of my business. But the truth is, they didn’t. My business continued to thrive in spite of more competition!

It took me a while but now I realize, there is more than enough business to go around. I am not scared or threatened by competition, I am THANKFUL for it. Competition is what pushes me to always stay on my game. If I didn’t have competitors, I might get comfortable and not push myself.

So today, I want to challenge you to think about your competition differently. Here are 4 mindset shifts that can really transform your business and your mental health if you implement them.

Choose Community Over Competition

I’ve been in the proposal game for a long time. I have a really positive relationship with most of the top Proposal Planners in the world. And that is by choice. There is MORE than enough business to go around in this world. I don’t feel the need to try to plan every proposal in every country, every time. So having a network of Proposal Planners that I can collaborate with is something I truly value. One day, Proposal Planning will be a huge industry. When it is, I want to be known as someone that helped create the industry and provided the platform for Proposal Planners to network and collaborate with each other.

Let Competition Push You

As I touched on earlier, allow competition to push you. When you have someone that is really great at the same thing as you, it pushes you to be better. When they get featured in media, let that drive you to try to get featured. When they are utilizing all of the latest and greatest technology, then you know you have to do it too. Don’t get intimated when your competition does something groundbreaking, let it inspire you to think how you can do the same thing but bigger!

Competition Raises Awareness

One thing to consider is that competition actually raises awareness of your industry which in turn, can help you get more business. So let’s say that someone starts a Proposal Planning company in an area I don’t do a lot of proposals in. And let’s say they make a name for themselves there. Well now, many people in that geographical area know that Proposal Planners exist! And some of them may end up coming to my turf to propose and when they look up a Proposal Planner here, they find me. It is a win-win and I am all about wins!

Have Confidence In Yourself

I have seen many Proposal Planners enter the scene. Heck, I have literally had people outright copy and paste my packages to their website. But I no longer let it concern me. Because the truth is, I KNOW what I bring to the table. I know that there are other Proposal Planners out there that are great. And still, I KNOW many people will choose me because they like me and MY style. I am not threatened or concerned with anyone else because I know my value. And you should too. Whether you are the first Proposal Planner in your country, or the 10th, all that matters is that you bring something different to the table.

And you are welcome at the table.

I find it exhilarating to teach Wedding Planners and aspiring entrepreneurs how to add Proposal Planning services. If you want to get started, here are 3 free resources to help you along the way.

Private Community – Proposal Planning Academy Tribe

Top 3 Reasons You MUST Add Proposal Planning Services Now

Checklist For Your Proposal Planning Marketing Strategy

I hope to see you there!