Enrollment for The Proposal Planning Formula™ Is Open!!

The Proposal Planning Formula™ is open for enrollment for just a FEW more days.

This course is a MUST have if you are:

  • A Wedding Planner wanting to add Proposal Planning services to your existing business
  • Wanting to start your own Proposal Planning business
  • A Wedding vendor (photographer, videographer, venue, travel agent, jeweler, etc.) that wants to start marketing to Proposers
  • A Proposal Planner that isn’t getting as much business as you think you should

This course teaches you how to:

Module 1: Discover Your Proposal Planning Niche & Style – Before you can offer Proposal Planning, you need to determine what kind of proposals you want to plan and what kind of client you want to serve. This is critical for knowing who your target market is, how to create messaging that appeals to them, how to brand and price your services, and how to interact with them on social media.

Module 2: Create Your Proposal Planning Offering- Once you have chosen your target market, niche, and style, you will create your proposal planning offering! We are going to dive in and see a breakdown of what services Proposal Planners offer, learn how to properly price your offer, and create the framework needed to get started servicing customers.

Module 3: Create A Strategy To Add Proposal Planning To Your Assets– After you have the framework in place to start servicing your customers, it is time to make it official and effectively add Proposal Planning to your assets, so that you can actually attract Proposers. Here you are going to find out exactly where you should advertise your Proposal Planning services on your website, social media, and other assets and what mistakes you need to avoid when adding the service.

Module 4: Create a Proposal Planning Marketing Strategy- Without an effective marketing strategy, everything we have done so far will not matter. The key factor in getting Proposal Planning clients NOW is creating marketing that truly speaks to who they are. In this section, we leave no stone unturned as we reveal all marketing strategies that we have used over the last decade. You will study your target market in detail and learn the irresistible marketing and SEO strategies that will effectively attract them and turn them into customers.

Module 5: Maintain & Grow Your Proposal Planning Business –  The last thing you want to do is to invest all this time and energy into offering Proposal Planning services and then just let it all fizzle away. In this module we teach you how to maintain and leverage the work you have done in the previous models and give you ideas on how to handle the extra workload.

You will also get a Proposal Planning certification!

PLUS, you will get 3 bonuses:

🎊 Bonus #1: How To Repurpose Your Wedding Content

🎊 Bonus #2: Private, Members Only Facebook Group

🎊 Bonus #3: Weekly Live Q & A Sessions With Me

Learn more about the program or enroll here:

How Big Is The Proposal Planning Market?

I know what some of you are thinking. How big of a market can Proposal Planning really be? After all, you need to know the possibilities before you decide if you want to make the leap to add Proposal Planning to your Wedding services right? Or to decide to start your own Proposal Planning business, correct?

Well, I have great news. The market is HUGE. Here is a screenshot of how many “ACTIVE” inquires I have right now. You read it right, almost 1,000!

To understand why Proposal Planning is in such huge demand, you should probably know the history of how we got here today. I don’t have to tell you how many people get married a year. If you are in the Wedding Industry, you likely already know that. You probably already know that each of those couple’s get engaged, normally through a marriage proposal. This is nothing new though, so why all of the sudden are people hiring Proposal Planners?

The craze all started with social media. 20 years ago, when someone proposed to their partner, only their closest friends heard about it. But now, when someone proposes, they put photos and videos of it on Instagram, Youtube, etc. This is all searchable online so NOW, when a person proposes, they head to the internet or social media to look for proposal ideas and they see all of these crazy, elaborate proposals. They know that their partner’s are also seeing these types of proposals and will want one like it. And most of these clients can’t plan an elaborate proposal by themselves…which is why they turn to a Proposal Planner.

Hiring a Proposal Planner is getting as common for men as hiring a Wedding Planner is for women. And the industry is growing. When I started The Heart Bandits in 2010, there were 3 Proposal Planners in the world. Now there are over 10x that and it is growing every day. Do you want to learn more about Proposal Planning? Sign up for my FREE resources below. And don’t forget to sign up for the Proposal Planning Formula™ waitlist here. I am hosting my FREE Masterclass in just 2 weeks and you won’t want to miss it. Sign up for the Waitlist and be the first to know about it!

3 Mistakes Wedding Planners Make When Marketing Proposal Planning Services

proposal planning

If you weren’t able to make it to my Facebook Live today, don’t worry, I have you covered. I discussed the 3 Mistakes Wedding Planners Make When Marketing Proposal Planning Services (and how to fix them asap!) Don’t feel like watching the video? Let me recap it for you here.

Now whether you have tried offering Proposal Planning but it hasn’t had any traction OR you haven’t even started offering it yet but you want to make sure you do it the right way, learning from these mistakes will be critical to the success of your marketing strategy. 

And the good news is, they are easy to fix!

Mistake #1: Not Properly Advertising Proposal Planning Services

When I started Proposal Planning Academy and became a Proposal Planning Coach, I interviewed several Wedding Planners and asked them why they were not yet offering Proposal Planning services. Some of their answers truly surprised me because some of them said, “I do already offer it!” But when I asked them WHERE they are advertising the service, some of them said WeddingWire.

Now here is a tip, guys that are looking to plan a marriage proposal are NOT looking on Wedding Wire for a planner. In fact, I challenge you to find 5 guys that are not married that have even heard of Wedding Wire.

You have to be intentional with your decision on how to market your services.

This fix is totally doable right?

Mistake #2: Calling the Proposer the “Groom”  in your messaging

This is actually my pet peeve! A client that is looking to propose literally just made the biggest decision of their life up until this point. They just bought the ring, they are looking for the perfect proposal idea, and you already have them walking down the aisle in a tuxedo!! PUMP THE BRAKES!

These client’s are not ready to see themselves as a groom yet.  They are just taking the first step to finally ask someone to marry them.  They don’t want to be rushed.  You need to meet them where they are.  You should call the person proposing, the Proposer.  

Easy enough right?

Mistake #3: Not knowing where they hangout online

You probably know exactly where a bride hangs out online, right? They are on the Green Wedding Shoes Blog, the Ruffled IG account, and The Knot. But you know what, your target market who is predominately male, is NOT! You need to figure out where he hangs out online if you want to learn more about him.

This is good stuff right?

Do you see how even avoiding these 3 steps can really get you on the right path to attracting Proposal Planning clients?  Imagine what it would feel like if you intimately understood the Proposer and knew EXACTLY how to target them?  Well, if you liked today’s LIVE and blog, I have even more to share with you.  I have a free Masterclass coming up in a few days and you won’t want to miss this.

The free Masterclass is called, “3 Simple Secrets You Need To Know To Effectively Market To The Proposal Planning Client” and I am going to share intimate details about who the Proposer is, what they fear, and what they want to spend money on.

 Plus, I will have more time for some real-time Q&A if you have any questions. Go to www.theheartbanditsacademy.com/masterclass to get all the details… it will be live, so you don’t want to miss it. I hope to see you there!” 

How To Be Inclusive In Your Proposal Planning Marketing

LGBTQ marriage proposal
LGBTQ marriage proposal

June is Pride Month, and it is the perfect opportunity to talk about inclusion. When you plan marriage proposals, the majority of your clients will be men proposing to women. However, you will also have same sex couples asking you for your services and you want to make sure that your messaging feels inclusive to them as well.

One thing that has always made me sad and cringe is when a person asks me, “You are ok with same sex couples right?” It literally hurts my heart that someone has to ASK if I am OK with THEIR choice on who they love. So I really do my best to use gender neutral pronouns in my marketing on my website, The Heart Bandits.

I am not always perfect, but when I am writing copy on my Proposal Planning website, I try to always say “they” instead of “he” or “she.” And I always try to say “partner” instead of “girlfriend.” It doesn’t make any difference to the heterosexual couple, but it makes ALL the difference when someone from the LGBTQ community is reading my messaging and doesn’t feel alienated.

Here is an example of how I do it! Let’s take The Heart Bandit’s Mission Statement for example:

“Our mission is to create a marriage proposal that is as unique as your love story.  We ensure that when your partner experiences their proposal, they know that it was created just for them and more importantly, it was created by you.  To do that, we use a holistic approach in our proposal planning.  We don’t just focus on your partner and what they would like, we also focus on what makes you unique as a couple.  We also take great care to focus on what is unique about you, the Proposer, so that the proposal is truly reflective of your style and persona.

See how easy that is? Just a small change in your marketing can really make a difference for someone else.

If you want to learn more tips on how to market to the proposer, I am actually doing a Facebook Live on Tuesday, June 16th at 10am PST. Here is a link and you can set up a reminder.

My goal is to teach Wedding Planners and Entrepreneurs how to market to the client looking to propose to their partner. I am a Proposal Planning coach that has been planning proposals for a decade and now I am here to help you get started on your Proposal Planning journey. If you are ready to get serious about starting your Proposal Planning company or adding it on as a service, I have created a completely FREE resource for you called, “4 Things You Can Start Doing TODAY To Start Proposal Planning.”

I can’t wait to see what you do with what you learn!

5 Reasons To Take Advantage Of The Quarantine & Level Up Your Wedding Business

I hear it all the time, “I want to start offering Proposal Planning services, but I just don’t have the time.” And believe me, I get it. I too am a very busy entrepreneur and under normal circumstances, would have had a hard time even finding time to post on Instagram, let alone launching a new service. But you and I have been given a gift during this quarantine, the gift of time. And what better way to use this time than to level up our business and do something that could earn an additional stream of revenue that can last for the life of your business. Here are 4 reasons that you need to take advantage of this downtime and expand on your wedding services:

1. Now Is The Perfect Time To Get Focused

Before you start offering a new service, you really need to get focused and figure out the best approach to adding the service to your wedding business. If you were right in the middle of wedding season, when would you have time to do this? Chances are, you wouldn’t. It would get put on your endless “to-do list” that gets longer every day, and may never ever take off. Use this time to get laser focused on adding Proposal Planning services to your existing brand because you will never get this moment back and never have this type of an opportunity again.

2. Opportunity To Take A Course

When your business is in full swing, do you really have time to take courses to expand on your knowledge and grow your business? I know I never do. So now that you have more free time, you can enroll in courses which will help you add a new service to your wedding business. Whether you sign up for Proposal Planning training or just a course on how to grow your Instagram account, the investment you make into your business right now will pay off in the long run.

3. You Have More Time To Launch

Launching any new service can take some time. You have to come up with a strategy, add the new service to your website, update all of your social media and more. If you were trying to do this during Wedding Season, it would take a LOT longer than it would take if you were to get started now. Even though you still have work to do and you still have marketing to manage for your Wedding business, you do have more time than you would normally have. So use this time to move closer to your goals. If you are craving growth and you want to diversify your income, it is the perfect time to add another service to your Wedding Planning. And I believe that perfect service is Proposal Planning.

4. You Have Time To Create Content

Another potentially time consuming aspect of launching a new service is creating the content to promote it. But during this situation, don’t you find that you have a little more time than you typically do? If so, it is the perfect time to start creating content for the new service that you are launching. Take this time to create content in advance and get it all scheduled. That way, when the quarantine lifts and you get back to your normal busy self, the content will already be in place and can start working for you!

5. More People Are Online

The top reason that you should launch a new service during the quarantine is because right now, more people are online than they ever will be again. Millions of people are quarantined and spending way more time online as a result. Which makes this a very unique opportunity to promote your new service to your target audience. All eyes will be on you as you announce your new service and start to target your new audience. If you target some really great keywords and hashtags, your visibility could go through the roof due to how many people are online these days.

This also gives you an opportunity to network with other professionals that can help you grow your new service. For example, if you are going to launch Proposal Planning services, you can use this time to reach out to other companies that you want to build relationships with. Chances are, business is slow for them right now too and they will welcome the opportunity to network with a new vendor.

If adding Proposal Planning to your Wedding Planning business intrigues you, then I encourage you to head over to  www.theheartbanditsacademy.com and grab one of our FREE DOWNLOADS.  In them, we discusses the Top 3 Reasons You Should Start Offering Proposal Planning NOW and 5 Reasons That Proposal Planning and Wedding Planning Is The “Perfect Marriage.”  This will help you find out if adding Proposal Planning to your Wedding Planning business could be right for you.  I hope to see you there!