What Is A Pop-Up Wedding Bomber?

We all know what photo bombers are right? Those annoying people that walk by right as you go to take a photo. You often don’t notice them until you go to post your perfect Instagram photo and see that you’ve been photo bombed. So what is a pop-up wedding bomber? Or a proposal bomber? Well, you are probably thinking that I am referring to someone that gets in the way of pop-up wedding or proposal pictures. But no…this type of bomber is much worse. I am talking about a person that is NOT your client, that gets in the way of you planning your perfect event.

Here are 3 things you need to know about a pop-up wedding or proposal bomber and what you can do if you find yourself dealing with one.

1. They Are Usually Family

Normally, the well meaning pop-up wedding or proposal bomber is a close friend. Oftentimes, the bride or proposer introduces the bomber by saying something like, “I am cc’ing my mom here who is helping me plan.”

What can you do when this happens? I like to politely greet the new person and just remind my client that the contract is between myself and them so the planning does need to between us two. I do let them know that I am happy to keep the person cc’d though. However, this can turn into a big problem so you want to tread carefully here. (see points 2 & 3 below).

2. Try To Make Changes

Now where the trouble really happens is when the well intended bomber starts making “suggestions” on things they know your client will like. For example, “I know she would want her Grandma to sit up front.” Or for a proposal, “I know he would want a heart shape instead of a semi-circle.” But what happens when your client really didn’t want these changes?

What can you do? If I get put in the position to work with a bomber, I tell them that any changes have to come directly from the bride or proposer. I will not take any direction from someone that is not my client. And what about if the bomber is on-site making changes and it is too late to get approval from the client? In that case, you have 2 options. You can tell them that the way things are is what you have approval for and you cannot make changes. Or if the bomber has been an issue the whole time, you can ask your client in advance if they have permission to make any changes on the day of.

3. Time Suckers

The last and the most egregious issue a bomber will cause you, is they will suck up way too much of your time. Once the bomber gets direct access to you, they may start emailing or calling to ask “quick questions.” They may request phone calls to “go over details.”

What can you do? Again I would politely let the bomber know that you have to stick with planning directly with the client that you are under contract with. Then you can say that you’d be happy to schedule a call with the client and they are welcome to be on the call if they’d like. That way you are letting them be involved but staying in charge of your event.

If you are not yet a Proposal Planner or selling pop-up wedding packages, you won’t want to miss my FREE resources below. Learn all about how to be a Proposal Planner and how to sell pop-up wedding packages.

Be Fearless

be fearless
be fearless

I have learned a lot about myself since I launched Proposal Planning Academy. I started the academy knowing that I am an expert at creating a successful Proposal Planning business. I know that I can absolutely attract clients that are looking to propose to their partner’s and teach other people how to do the same. But what I didn’t realize, and what I have learned from my students, is that when it comes to my business – I truly am fearless.

What does being fearless in my business mean to me? Well, it means a few things. I want to share with you what I feel it means to be fearless in business in hopes that it may inspire even the slightest shift in your mindset to help you grow in your business.

1. Not Being Afraid To Take Risks

I say this a lot but it’s true, when I started The Heart Bandits, people used to laugh at me. They told me no one would ever hire a Proposal Planner and that what I was doing was ridiculous. 10 years later and 4000 proposals in, I can safely say I have proven them all wrong. But when I started the Proposal Planning Academy, more self doubt tried to creep in. “Am I crazy for teaching others how to compete with me?” “What if no one wants to learn how to be a Proposal Planner?” But instead of listening to the negative thoughts, I told them to go pound sand and defaulted to my motto, “the only true failure is never getting started.” I took the risk, I always do, and it is already paying off.

2. Not Being Afraid To Ask For What I Want

I never realized this about myself, but I ALWAYS ask for what I want. Though I am not a fan of rejection and it always stings a little, it doesn’t bother me enough to ever stop me from asking for what I want. In fact, my mom taught me when I was little, “What’s the worse anyone can do, say no?” I really believe this is something that sets me apart from the people that want to be successful but just can’t quite get there. And I believe it is something that a lot entrepreneurs possess that many others do not. This fearlessness gave me the courage to just outright ask the New York Times to feature me, it allows me to get deals with venues and vendors at rates that were not even offered to me because I am not afraid to negotiate, and so much more.

3. I Am True To Myself

How is this being fearless? Well, I think I am a little weird! I am very outspoken, I don’t have much of a filter, and I feel that I am 100% myself to everyone at all times. It is my downfall and my strength. It can turn off people and it can inspire people. I will talk about my messy hair on a Facebook Live. I will warn you that my son may chuck a truck at me during our conversation. I can’t help but keep it real. And I think it takes a certain level of fearlessness to be 100% real in business. I also believe it can also truly add value to your business when you just show up as your real, authentic self and build true, genuine connection.

I want to challenge you today to think of one thing in your business that you can try to work on being more “fearless” about. Is it adding a new service to your existing business like Proposal Planning? Is it charging that higher rate? Is it turning down jobs that don’t truly light you up? And think about how changing this one thing would it transform your business. I want to hear your one thing, so head over to my private group and let me know what is the one thing you can work on. I want to cheer you on!

Follow me on my journey from Proposal Planning expert to educator. I am learning a lot and you will too. Follow my journey here!